Paxos Ebreiz
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page is provided for our potential subscribers to quickly find answers to the questions that you many have about PESB products and services.
For Android:
- Open the Google Play Store website or the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone
- Search for “AlaDeen Gold Wallet”
- Tap “Install”
- Review the requested permissions and select “OK”
For iOS:
- Open the App Store
- Search for “AlaDeen Gold Wallet”
- Tap “Get””
- Review the requested permissions and select “OK”
- Login to your account at AlaDeen Gold App
- Under the homepage tab, select “Cash Balance”
- Enter Subscriber amount want to withdraw
- The minimum amount must be MYR 100
- The payout will be reimbursed via direct debit bank transfer into subscribers dedicated bank account. The floating period of such transfer is 1-3 working days, subject to the bank account used by the subscribers.
- Login to your account at AlaDeen Gold App
- Under the homepage tab, subscribers may select gold and/or silver
- Subscribers later may select which unit to buy
- For multiple orders
- Subscribers may use the different payment methods available in the app
- Login to your account at AlaDeen Gold App
- Under the "PROFILE" tab, choose "Reset Password"
- Confidentiality
(Who gets to read information) Users’ data can only be accessed by the user themselves, our authorized personnel who are in charge of user-related information for operational purposes, and legal parties such as the auditors if required. AlaDeen Gold will never share Subscribers information with third parties, other than for legal purposes such as marketing, big data, or anything related.
- Integrity
(Information and programs changed only in a specified and authorized manner) Only Subscribers can change their own information. Our authorized personnel may update the Subscribers information on behalf of the user's instructions. Subscribers who access our AlaDeen Gold application use passwords and email for multi-factor authentication in order to change their information or password. No one but the Subscribers themselves is able to change their own password and they will be notified via their registered email if the password or information has been changed.
- Availability
(Authorised Subscribers having access to information and resources)
All Subscribers have complete access to their own information and can update it anytime through the application.
Paxos Ebreiz Skylight Berhad Suite 11, Level 2, Resource Centre, Technology Park Malaysia, 57000 Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
When collecting the Subscribers gold and/or silver bars, kindly give us 5 days' notice via our hotline number +6011-1133 5693 or +6011-1133 2462 or email us at
If a Dealer using a Subscriber referral ID, the Subscriber will get 1.50% of the value bought by a Dealer.
If a Platinum Dealer using Subscriber ID, Subscriber will get 1.75% of the value bought by a Platinum Dealer.
If an Exclusive Dealer using Subscriber ID, Subscriber will get 2% of the value bought by an Exclusive Dealer.