About us

Al-Ebreiz Global Capital Berhad

Illustrated By:

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera

Designed By:

Mohd Norazam Dato’ Muhammad

Al-Ebreiz  الابريز  "Purest Gold"

Al-Ebreiz - The meaning is so clearly abstract into the meaning of the natural purest gold that was obtained without any chemical process. What is the translation of "Purest Gold" in the Arabic Language?

- Ad-dhahab | Al-Khalis | الذهب الخالص

- Or | Ad-dhahab | Al-Ebreiz | الذهب الابريز

- Or simply | Al-Ebreiz | الابريز

The Ebreiz is the natural purest gold that was obtained without any chemical process. In another meaning from chemistry terms, it means pure gold. But in Arabic, a person is like pure gold which means a pure and noble person with strong moral principles, integrity, reliability, honesty, and sincerity with great personal qualities and high standards.

  • Gold and Silver Color

    The main gold and silver colors depict both PESB’s “obsession” with gold and silver metals. Gold and silver as precious metals played the role of money and as a measure of value in domestic and international trades in most civilizations for most of human history. Gold ceased to play that role completely only since 1971, after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system when the US dollar was deemed not redeemable anymore for gold by the Federal Reserve. Gold, however, has always been and still is a Shari’ah money. In the current world of economic and political turbulence, PESB aspires to return gold and silver back as the global monetary standards, using modern technologies, so as to render and contribute towards just, stable and sustainable monetary and economic systems.

  • The Islamic Design

    Represents that PESB’s system is Shari’ah compliant and hence should appeal to both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

  • Centre Circular Islamic Design

    The circular design depicts the links between businesses, individuals, organizations and the government that form an economic ecosystem. PESB’s non-interest, gold-based payment system connects all the players using gold as the measure of value for economic exchange. In this regard, gold also represents other possible real monies like silver, petroleum, palm oil, etc.

  • The Gold Circle

    The gold circle represents the gold coin that played the role of money in many civilizations. In Islamic civilization, it was the gold dinar, a name derived from the Roman gold coin, the denarius.

  • The Inner Square

    Represents the Ka’ba that unifies all cultures into oneness in direction.

  • The Outer Square Vertices

    Represent the mission of PESB in order to achieve its vision.

  • Black Background & Centre Brightness

    Represent the current age of darkness, PESB’s initiatives are expected to brighten the lives of all people and thereby by bring peace, happiness and abundant prosperity to humanity.

  • The Round Symmetrical Structure

    Represents Economic Justice that can be expected from PESB’s system. From engineering perspective, such structure is also stable and sustainable, i.e. the characteristics the economic system would gain from PESB’s system.

About Us image

There is a Hadith of the Prophet SAW which said that: "Allah SWT may test persons with difficulties and compare it with the process of testing the purity of gold."
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم : إن الله ليجرب أحدكم بالبلاء وهو أعلم به كما يجرب أحدكم ذهبه بالنار ، فمنهم من يخرج كالذهب الإبريز فذلك الذي نجاه الله تعالى من السيئات ، ومنهم من يخرج كالذهب دون ذلك فذلك الذي يشك بعض الشك ، ومنهم من يخرج كالذهب الأسود فذلك الذي قد افتتن
(Sahih Al-Bukhary and Sahih Muslim)


To become the leading technology-based organization, providing blockchain-powered Islamic hybrid finance solutions to the World.


To demonstrate services to our customers by financial solutions that are profitable, convenient, and Shariah-compliant.


Giving opportunities to our customers in achieving their financial goals in accordance to Islamic financial principles.

Board of Directors

MOHD NORAZAM DATO' MUHAMMAD President Chief Executive Officer

Our Management

Corporate Strategy Advisor To CEO

Our Corporate Team

Assistant Manager of Creative Media

Syazana Rahim
Digital Marketing Executive

Suhana Jamal
Finance Executive

Ily Izyan
HR & Admin Executive

Amien Hawari
Senior Executive of Marketing & Sales

Nurul Athirah
Finance Executive

Muhammad Haidar
Senior Finance Executive

Muhamad Ziyad
Finance Executive

Muhammad Akmal
Creative Media Executive

Ruzana Hamdan
Customer Service Officer

Our Corporate Speakers

Finance & Economic Speaker



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